About Andrea

about andrea brown

Andrea’s Journey

Andrea S. N. Brown is an award-winning speaker who has been speaking regularly on faith and finances for over eight years.  She has an indescribable passion to help people thrive and not merely survive financially.

In her early 20’s after struggling extensively financially, Andrea became tired of hearing what Christians had to say about God and money.  She decided to study for herself what the Bible records about wealth, money, and prosperity.  Her journey over ten years included countless hours of study and culminated in two convictions:

  1. Ultimately, God desires to bless us so that we can be a blessing to the people around us.
  2. The Bible holds the keys for debt elimination, stewardship, and wealth creation.

Through her blog, Andrea shares her journey and the insights she gained along the way.  She will challenge your core beliefs and inspire you to transform your life and finances using wisdom and keys found in the Bible.  You will discover the power of giving, saving, investing, and working among other things.

Andrea’s Education and Experience

Andrea is an experienced management consultant and professional speaker.  She has helped owners and managers of multi-million dollar companies experience turnaround, improve performance, and increase revenue.  In addition she has been an entrepreneur for over 16 years: buying, selling, starting, and building over a dozen businesses.  She and her husband currently own and manage Bruneau’s food cart & catering and The Finisher, a creative high-end home renovation business.

Andrea has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Adventure Education from Prescott College, a private liberal arts school in Northern Arizona.  She partially completed her Master of Arts in Social Entrepreneurship and Leadership Development before taking what has become a permanent leave of absence to build her second business.  Ironically, Andrea is as proud of dropping out of school for her MA as she is of completing her BA.

Andrea has exhaustively studied over 1,500 books, listened to over 5,000 hours of audio education, watched thousands of hours of video education, and attended hundreds seminars and conferences.  She has a curated library with books ranging from entrepreneurship & business to faith & God; leadership & psychology to history & war; and, health & wellness to marriage, child development, & homeschooling.  Subsequently, she has distilled a wealth of wisdom on these subjects.

Born and raised in Northern B.C., Canada, Andrea lived in Alaska, About Andrea BrownCalifornia and Arizona before making her home in Bend, Oregon.  Every day is an adventure with her husband whom she describes as a true renaissance man (a finish carpenter, gourmet chef, and ultra-marathon athlete), their two young boys, and two dogs.

When they are not homeschooling their two young children or managing their three businesses, they can often be found traveling, camping, or hosting dinner parties.